Michele M. Anderson | Creative Life Coach

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do,
with your one wild and precious life?”

Mary Oliver

Do you find that you are reacting to the
circumstances in your life?

Life lived without intention can feel groundless, like you are being pulled out on a riptide.
You can get lost in a whirlpool of thoughts and ideas without any direction.

Together, we will use creative inspiration, so you can let go of endless worry to find exciting,
new answers to your life questions.

Creative Life Coaching gives you the ability to set a meaningful course as you embrace a powerful central vision.

With Creative Life Coaching, You Can:
  • Accent your brilliance with a new, perceptive mindset.
  • Trust your intuition as you create a clear life plan.
  • Create authentic, deeply connected relationships.
  • Experience true joy and discover your creative flow.

Meet Your Life Coach, Michele

I really wasn’t considering bringing a partner into my life. Michele asked me some targeted questions and really helped me to open up my thinking…For me it was a life-changing gift because now I’m in partnership with a wonderful man.

Jenni S.,

Creative Life Coaching in Three Steps.



We start by creating a vision
and pathway to reflect your
personal goals.



Receive guidance from multiple
mentors: Michele, your Creative Life Coach, your own intuition,
and wisdom from signs
and symbols.



With powerful life skills training,
create the results you want
and manifest your life purpose.

I want creative, positive life changes.

Get Started Now!

Coaching packages include:

A suite of life skills that boosts your potential:

  1. Lifelong Learning Mindset – You’ll learn that the situation you find yourself in is your life’s curriculum. Begin to see your challenges as learning opportunities. Turn your life experience into Wisdom.
  2. Language of Intuition – An introduction on how to strengthen your intuition by reading signs and symbols. Learn more about the Language of Intuition® Program.
  3. Decoding Relationships – Learn how to turn assumptions and expectations into intentions for Conscious Relationships. Bring mindfulness into your communication.
  4. Power Up Your Voice – Learn how to project your voice, power, and authority to creatively impact your world. Find your authentic voice and build excellent leadership skills.


  • You are a lifelong learner interested in refining your life skills.
  • Vision Map
  • 2 hour session, $375
  • The Vision Map is the entryway to your coaching program.
  • Together, we identify 7 key life zones charting your path forward
  • Receive a personalized Vision Map PDF
  • This can also serve as a standalone process for your own self-development.



  • You are ready and committed to life-changing transformation.
  • 3 months of Coaching
  • 6 sessions, 60 min each
  • Life Skills Training Tailored to You Includes:
  • Lifelong Learning Mindset
  • Language of Intuition
  • Decoding Relationships
  • Power Up Your Voice


  • You are a leader and want to make positive cultural changes.
  • 6 months of Coaching
  • 12 sessions, 60 min each
  • Life Skills Training Tailored to You Includes:
  • Lifelong Learning Mindset
  • Language of Intuition
  • Decoding Relationships
  • Power Up Your Voice

Need another option? Ask for a customized program.

Let’s dream up some possibilities!

Schedule a Call

Doors, he told her, are change, and change is a dangerous necessity. Doors are revolutions and upheavals, uncertainties and mysteries, axis points around which entire worlds can be turned. They are the beginnings and endings of every true story, the passages between that lead to adventures and madness and—here he smiled—even love. Without doors the worlds would grow stagnant, calcified, storyless.

Alix E. Harrow, 
from The Ten Thousand Doors of January
Site Design & Development North Star Sites
Photography Christina Gressianu
Mascot Apollo